It's the day before Christmas Eve and instead of blogging about the show I was in ("A Christmas Carol") or the fact I miss my family and am all alone in Washington, I am going to share with you a true story that happened this evening in an attempt for sympathy. This may also come across as me venting. Take it how you will.
I came back to my apartment from the corporate office in Tacoma this evening to find the emergency tech Oleg with a plunger in his hand standing in the middle of the parking lot hollering at me while I was still in my car,
"Hallo Maygin! You're manager, yes? Maygin, yes? Maygin! You recognize me!"
Well, apparently the unit next to mine had a toilet overflow issue and naturally they didn't turn the water off which means the carpet in the their apartment is nice and wet from the bathroom, through the carpeted hallway, all the way into the carpeted living room. Good times.
Now one of my favorite things in a situation like this is the excuse that is thought up. Why didn't they turn off the water? Or how did it overflow? For any of you who don't know, the ONLY way to make a toilet overflow is if it is clogged or there is some sort of blockage. So, sorry resident's excuse. If the "orange flappy thingie in the tank thingie" isn't working, the toilet may still run but it will not overflow. I think it has to do with gravity, but I digress. I did my due diligence and assured the resident we'll take care of it and try to be nice and calming so as to keep the resident from freaking out. I leave their apartment and call the carpet company which is naturally closed because it's a holiday weekend, but never fear - they have an emergency line. So while I'm on the phone with a very effeminate but also very nice middle-aged man, I get back to my apartment, take off my shoes, set my stuff down and walk into my bathroom so as to grab a hair-tie to pull my hair back when lo, and behold, my socks are soaked through and my feet feel awesome. And by awesome I mean gross. You see, my bathroom and the genius' bathroom next door share a wall. I have no clue how the water got through and that's quite disconcerting, but I am just grateful that the whateverness that came out of their toilet and into my apartment did not make it to my carpet. Also, there's nothing quite like an impromptu let's-clean-my-bathroom-even-though-I-just-cleaned-it bathroom cleaning to prevent my not-so-well ventilated bathroom from getting mildewy and to keep the overflow from making it to my carpet (which means I am going to miss a friend's birthday party AND my dinner is now cold). Oh, and I now need a new pair of socks. I think throwing away the wet ones is a must.
Please feel bad for me. Merry Christmas.