This post is dedicated to Troy Stucki. This is why:
Troy: So how was the movie?
Megan: You want me to spill before my blog review??
Troy: Yes. Then I'll feel more special.
Megan: Haha! Okay. Let's validate "special" Troy.
Troy: Thank you! I wish more people would realize how important that is.
Well Troy, now everyone knows. :D
Here's what we discussed. The Losers was very entertaining. If you aren't easily affronted by mild swearing, immorality, violence, or bad timing, then this is the movie for you! Now, I am a sucker for comic book movies in general. However, I am not familiar with The Losers as a graphic novel and felt that that fact was a disadvantage to me as a spectator. It wasn't as accessible like, say Batman or Iron Man or X-Men. You did not need to be an avid follower of the comics to enjoy any of those franchises, but at the same time if you were it informed and enhanced the experience that much more. Another thing that is perhaps a drawback is that my favorite people to watch in the movie were supporting roles. None of the "main" main characters. Also, the editing could have been tighter. Or maybe it was the directing. I don't know. But I do know that when you are trying to have witty repartee there shouldn't be 2 to 3 second beats between each clever line. All of that being said, I did enjoy it. And as my dad* so aptly put it, there were low points, but there were also some really great high points. Jensen, Cougar, Pooch, Go Petunias, Blackgyver, Don't Stop Believin'... They were fantastic. The long and short of it? I approve. But on a scale of 1 to 5 machetes, realistically 2 and a shiv. It had the potential of being so much more. So if you have an overwhelming desire to see it in the theatre, make sure you go to a matinée and that you go with the right people.
*My dad was my date for the movie. It's been a while since we've gone to a non-mom movie. I printed out tickets, prepared to be legit because I'm experimenting with playing by the rules vs. working the system. Well, the line was long so Papa and I walked up to the ticket-taker to ask about the movie and the wait. I said, "Hi," and before I could say another word the lady says, "Oh good. Press. Sign in." So I did.