Monday, April 12, 2010

Chart Notes: Elaine Same-Day-Cancellation-For-No-Good-Reason

Megan: "Family Foot Clinic, this is Megan."
Elaine: "...Well I don't know. Get me the number!"
Megan: "Hello?"
Random background participant: "...Just hit the redial button!..."
Elaine: "But what's THAT gonna do?"
Megan: "Hello? Can I help you? Hello?"
Elaine: (without missing a beat) "Is this Dr. Worthen's office?!"
Megan: "Yes this is. How can I help you?"
Elaine: "Well I have an appoint around 11:15 I think and I'd like to cancel it!"
Megan: "11:15 today?" (which was in about an hour)
Elaine: "Yes!"
Megan: "Okay. May I ask why?"
Miss Same-Day: "I just don't feel like going out! So I'm cancelling!"

Oh, Medicare patient...

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