Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I love movies. I do. Media in general, actually (except the news - I can't stand the news). But this post is in the vein of movies.

Last night, 3 of my friends and I went to the prescreening of The Lovely Bones. "But wait!" you might say. "That doesn't come out until January 15th!" You are correct. But that is the beauty of prescreenings. You do not pay and you get to see a first run movie before it's even out. All you have to do is be kind of a big deal. Which I am. AKA know how to work the system. Which I do...

Photo by Ricky V. (from left to right Megan, Nikki, some dude from Movin 92.5, Becca, & Danny)

I got us in with the press, we had fantastic seats, and the boys from the radio station were kind of in love with us. Now as for the movie itself, I could write and write and write about my take on it. A review if you will. But seeing as I need my precious sleep for what the next few days hold for me, I will simply say that it was well made but couldn't decide what to be. Is it a suspense-thriller, a horror, movie, an avant garde interpretation? Make up your mind! That being said, I did enjoy it. However, not having to pay a dime for it most likely enhanced my enjoyment of it. It was disturbing which I believe was one of the points, but I was sucked in and as Danny so accurately put, "It made me think." That it definitely did.

So there is that. I saw the Lovely Bones, but I have no desire to see it again. Well made, well played, but not one for those who enjoy an ending tied up in a neat bow.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Love You Whitney Etta

It's Sunday and I should be getting ready for church. But instead I have chosen to procrastinate a few moments and write. My parents just left to take my sister Whitney to the airport. I fully intended to go until mum pointed out that they wouldn't be getting back till 2pm at the earliest and I am clearly not ready for church, so there that went.

I love my sister. So much. I love to laugh with her, talk with her, listen to her, watch movies with her, make fun of life with her, eat with her, travel with her, drink nasty green smoothies with her (seriously, you put way too much broccoli in those)... Neither of us are perfect, but I miss her daily when we're part - or even when we're in the same house but she's quarantined - and I would do anything for her.

Photo M. Worthen (Whitney & Megan - Statue of Liberty 2007)

But alas, she is now on her way back to California. My heart is sore and my eyes are rather red. We rarely get to see each other, but at least I have the comfort in that she's my sister and I have her for eternity.

Okay. My time is up! I have to now be wise: blow my nose, wipe my tears, be a man, rub some dirt in it... or something like that. Today's Sunday School lesson is "Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born." How true and how blessed am I to have such a wonderful, funny, and beautiful spirit chosen to be my sister. And how lovely that I have and will know her forever.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year * New Blog

Well hello everyone!

As you may or may not know, I am not the best blogger. However, with a new year comes new resolutions and this little horsey has decided to be a better blogger. And instead of my massive website that I had before, I have decided to consolidate it all here in the City of Megan.

So do not you worry. You can still know what book I'm reading, what music I recommend, what random things that happen to me that make my life the movie that it is... . Just one condition to you perusing my city - this is a judge-free zone. Well, usually.

So sit back and enjoy a tour of the City of Megan which happens to be my life.

And by the way...

Photo T. Nielsen January 1, 2010 (taken from M. Worthen's camera)

Happy 2010.