Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Losers

This post is dedicated to Troy Stucki. This is why:

Troy: So how was the movie?
Megan: You want me to spill before my blog review??
Troy: Yes. Then I'll feel more special.
Megan: Haha! Okay. Let's validate "special" Troy.
Troy: Thank you! I wish more people would realize how important that is.

Well Troy, now everyone knows. :D

Here's what we discussed. The Losers was very entertaining. If you aren't easily affronted by mild swearing, immorality, violence, or bad timing, then this is the movie for you! Now, I am a sucker for comic book movies in general. However, I am not familiar with The Losers as a graphic novel and felt that that fact was a disadvantage to me as a spectator. It wasn't as accessible like, say Batman or Iron Man or X-Men. You did not need to be an avid follower of the comics to enjoy any of those franchises, but at the same time if you were it informed and enhanced the experience that much more. Another thing that is perhaps a drawback is that my favorite people to watch in the movie were supporting roles. None of the "main" main characters. Also, the editing could have been tighter. Or maybe it was the directing. I don't know. But I do know that when you are trying to have witty repartee there shouldn't be 2 to 3 second beats between each clever line. All of that being said, I did enjoy it. And as my dad* so aptly put it, there were low points, but there were also some really great high points. Jensen, Cougar, Pooch, Go Petunias, Blackgyver, Don't Stop Believin'... They were fantastic. The long and short of it? I approve. But on a scale of 1 to 5 machetes, realistically 2 and a shiv. It had the potential of being so much more. So if you have an overwhelming desire to see it in the theatre, make sure you go to a matinée and that you go with the right people.

*My dad was my date for the movie. It's been a while since we've gone to a non-mom movie. I printed out tickets, prepared to be legit because I'm experimenting with playing by the rules vs. working the system. Well, the line was long so Papa and I walked up to the ticket-taker to ask about the movie and the wait. I said, "Hi," and before I could say another word the lady says, "Oh good. Press. Sign in." So I did.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ahhhh! Ha-hahhhh! Ah-ah-ahahahahahahhhhhhh! (That's singing...)

Sometimes I feel like Aurora. You know, Sleeping Beauty, with all her woodland friends...

As I was leaving for work this morning, I walked onto my front porch this morning and was greated by this gianormous mallard on my lawn with his lady duck friend about 30 to 40 feet behind him.

Photo by M. Worthen (Mr. Mallard and his Lady Friend - 1206 Firland Drive)*

He just stared at me. I kind of felt like a deer in the headlights. Who knew that mallards had such a hypnotic stare... Well, unfortunately, I did not have time to engage in a favorite past time of mine with my nature friends (staring contests, in case you were wondering). So instead I broke the trance and said, "Well good morning to you, too, Mr. Mallard." Then I went on my way and he went back to being guardian of the lawn. Fist-pump in the air to you, Mr. Mallard.

*If you've never seen my lawn in person, it is not small. So for reference, the white speck is the duck's chest, the brown spot up and slightly to the right of him near the edge of the lawn is his lady friend, and over in the top left hand corner something that resembles a squirrel is actually a bench. Notice that you could probably sit about 3 of him on the bench. He was huge but beautiful.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Chart Notes: Elaine Same-Day-Cancellation-For-No-Good-Reason

Megan: "Family Foot Clinic, this is Megan."
Elaine: "...Well I don't know. Get me the number!"
Megan: "Hello?"
Random background participant: "...Just hit the redial button!..."
Elaine: "But what's THAT gonna do?"
Megan: "Hello? Can I help you? Hello?"
Elaine: (without missing a beat) "Is this Dr. Worthen's office?!"
Megan: "Yes this is. How can I help you?"
Elaine: "Well I have an appoint around 11:15 I think and I'd like to cancel it!"
Megan: "11:15 today?" (which was in about an hour)
Elaine: "Yes!"
Megan: "Okay. May I ask why?"
Miss Same-Day: "I just don't feel like going out! So I'm cancelling!"

Oh, Medicare patient...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter with the California McKeown's in Washington

I am sure my sister Anna will do better justice to being here in Washington with her family for the past week on her blog, but I just wanted to give a quick shout out and say that I absolutely loved having Anna, Greg, Gracie, Evie, Jack, and Esther here. I love you guys and can't wait to see you again in a couple of months!

Photo by A. McKeown (Essie & Meggie)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Letters to Juliet

I had every intention doing things different this time around. I legitimately RSVP’d to txtMovieClub.com for the prescreening of Letters to Juliet and received two passes for tonight. So Jessica Wesenberg and I headed up to Seattle after work to go stand in line with the rest of the masses. No press-ing it this time. We first went to the front to tell the every so nice lady (I am being extremely generous in my description) that we were there for the screening. To which she responded that we could get at the back of the line. I asked her about the press and she said they weren’t invited to this one. Phew. Glad my press-pass was tucked away. ;) Well, the line was gianormous and we had a bit to wait and the drive was rather lengthy and I drink a lot of water… so they let us use the facilities. And to my normally never-present luck, they started letting people into the screening right when we got out. There was no monitoring, so Jessica and I mad our move and slipped into the movie theatre unnoticed. We got the best seats in the house (you know the ones I mean, in the front row of the stadium seating where you can put your feet up on the bar). I guess it was just meant to be. On to the review…

Photo by random lady at the Pacific Place AMC (Megan & Jessica at the Letters to Juliet Prescreening)

On the way to the movie, Jessica and I were discussing how many people including ourselves wanted to see the movie but how at the same time we felt as though the trailers left nothing of the story to be discovered. However, I was pleasantly surprised. In fact, I would go as far as to say that I loved this movie. And as I posted on my facebook status immediately following (because if it's not on facebook, it never happened)... "I approve. I very much approve. I would not oppose if this movie had a cameo in my life." There were plenty of things to be delighted and frustrated with, and the characters were fun to invest in. And sure, it may not be too terribly if at all realistic, but isn't that why we go to the movies? To suspend our disbelief and enjoy the unreality? I am a sucker for a good love story and, let's be honest, love in general. So allow me to reiterate two things that were said more than once in this movie: 1) if it was true then, why wouldn't it be true now and 2) love has no expiration date. Wise and very true words. So on a scale of 1 to 5 m&ms, give me all 5. But for the rest of you, it is a chick flick but an enjoyable and surprisingly somewhat relatable one at that.

Seen: 7 April 2010
Release Date: 14 May 2010