Saturday, September 10, 2011

Yes, I'm Totally Venting

Ahhhhhh! Sometimes I love my job but at this moment I am a-hatin'. :( Grrrr...

I have the express pleasure of being a property manager and live on-site. But when my office is closed, MY OFFICE IS CLOSED, PEOPLE!! The doorbell is ridiculously loud and incredibly annoying, and anytime it rings I secretly hope it's a friend popping by to visit. But alas. It is not. Instead, I get people who can't use common sense. DING! DING! Inside my head: I don't care that you accepted a package from UPS and it wasn't for you. That's your fault, and it's after hours. My actual response: "Mr. So-and-so, it's after hours. This needs to wait to till tomorrow [because I work on Saturdays] during business hours. [insert him not understanding because he says he's Russian] Okay. [I take the package] Thank you. Good-bye." DING! DING! DINNNNNNG! DINGDINGDINGDINGDING! (Yeah, this one was super classy.) Inside my head: If somebody's been parking in your covered parking space for the last few nights, you should have left me a message or - I don't know - talked to me DURING BUSINESS HOURS. Not wake me up when I have a crazy-early morning tomorrow to complain about it. Leave a note on the car. Shoot, let out the air in their tires. Okay, maybe not the tire bit. My actual response: "You can't wake me up because your parking stall is taken. You could have talked to me during business hours or left me a message because it's been happening recently. [insert him giving me about 6 different and rather lame excuses - I pick up the phone...] Hello, tow company?" And proceed to get somebody towed. 5 minutes later... DINNNNNG! It's the tow company so I can kind of forgive that because I called them. Back to bed. DING! DINNNNG! Oh, bed was a joke. I see. Ugh. Get myself out of bed. DINNNNNG! Inside my head: Ahhhhh! Are you kidding me? A little patience. You're disrupting my sleep/life. You're locked out? Well then you shouldn't have left your key in your trucker boyfriend's car (they're in their 50's mind you). He doesn't even live with you! AND it clearly says in your contract that outside of business hours I don't have to let you in. So ha! My actual response: "If I go down to your building to let you in, I will have to post a $50 charge which you'll be responsible for. Do you want me to do that? Or you could call a locksmith. Would you like to use my phone? [I'm using a nice reasonable voice by the way, not the nasty you-dirty-rat voice that is going on simultaneously in my head] You can call your boyfriend. [she informs me he's on the road and can't call him but for no apparent reason - no, I didn't ask how she got home without her key if he dropped her off... - and she can't afford the $50 or a locksmith because she's on a fixed income, so she'll just sit outside of her apartment because she has a chair (whaaa?) for the next few days until her boyfriend comes back] Okay. Sorry. Have a good night, undisclosed name." Then I felt bad so I went down to her apartment to let her in - tow truck heaving up the naughty car in the background. Good times.


Manda said...

oh boy. I'm sorry.

The Bellyakers... said...

That is classic hysterical.

If we call our pediatrician during off hours, unless it is a true emergency, we are billed for the call. Billed high. Maybe you should put a note on your door saying the same, "Unless this is a true emergency, your account will be charged ___ for after hour visits."

Love you Meg

Leisl said...

Haha... definitely have never heard of that kind of night before... LOL I am sorry though!!!