Friday, March 26, 2010

The Last Song

Yes folks, I traversed yet again to Seattle for a free movie screening of The Last Song. I was accompanied by two fantastic ladies (Nikki Barbour - no stranger to the prescreening - and Jessica Wesenberg - first-time attendee). And with the exception of Miley Cyrus, we absolutely loved it. Now, how can you love a movie without its main character? I honestly don't know, but we did. Maybe it's the fact she wasn't pretending to be two people, maybe it's the fact she didn't sing... Who's to say? But needless to say my favorite person was hands down Greg Kinnear. I am a huge fan - even when he's a bad guy (to clarify Kinnear is NOT a bad guy in this film). And the kid who played her younger brother? He was simply fantastic. I won't lie. I shed a few tears and more than once. Nicholas Sparks has a knack for that I suppose. And the fact that playing the piano had a bit to do with the plot didn't hurt. So I guess on a scale of 1 to 5 bowls of my homemade applesauce, I'd give it a solid 3. And if you're a Miley Cyrus fan, most likely a 4 with a couple extra spoonfuls and a dash of cinnamon. So if you like a good tear jerker and baby sea turtles, it's worth at least a matinee in the theater.

Screened: 25 March 2010
Release Date: 31 March 2010

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I haven't seen it yet, but I read the book and bawled my eyes out. Nicholas knows how to make the tears flow. His gift is making people cry.